Different Ways to Serve the Truffle Chocolate Cakes

Did you know that serving the truffle chocolate cakes is an art? You can use various serving techniques to make the maximum impressions and add to the taste and appearance of this fantastic variety. For example, you can use desert sauces, whipped cream, or ice cream either separately or in combination for ensuring the best toppings. Add fresh fruits, nuts, and even the delicious peanut butter based on your preferences. Let your creativity and imagination run amok to make your chocolate cake with truffles both appear and taste delicious.
Those who want can prepare whipped cream flavored varieties to add to the chocolate cakes. Such basic whipped cream options use brown sugar in place of white sugar and different flavor extracts to make it unique. Those who want can also add ginger or cinnamon. Use of cream cheese with cream can stabilize whipped cream and now you can add peanut butter or nuts of your choice during serving.
One delicious method of serving these cakes is to use German chocolate topping. Now you can cut it into sizeable chunks to serve with ice cream or whipped caramel cream. Ice cream chocolate sauce as a topping also goes fantastic in such kind of serving. Those who want to also use cream Bavarian filling to top their chocolate cakes. Cut up the cake in different slices and place them on dessert plates. Now you can pour strawberry sauce on it followed up by whipped cream and fresh strawberries slices to complete the effect.
For creating a delicious topping with peanut butter and serving the chocolate cake to your guests, just heat it up in the microwave. Mix up the peanut butter with Bavarian cream in a small bowl when it becomes easy and soft for effortless stirring. Now, top your cake with filling of peanut butter. When serving, cut up the confection for placement on dessert plates and drizzle it up with chocolate peanut butter sauce. Use the whipped cream topping for an immediate serving. In case, the sauce becomes thick during the heating process, you can either stir up more cream or simply reheat it during serving.
Those who are looking for an easy way to treat their guests with delicious chocolate cake with truffles can use a pastry cherry filling drizzled with amaretto chocolate sauce. This is a delicious flavor, which is sure to win hearts and make impressions during any kind of serving. Take your chocolate cake and top it off with pastry cherry filling. Now, cut it up into slices to place on dessert plates. Drizzle with amaretto chocolate sauce with whipped cream topping for immediate serving.
Using the raspberry sauce is another good option to ensure a delectable serving for any occasion. You can create home-prepared raspberry jelly to drizzle on the delicious chocolate cake during serving. Just cut up the cake into sizeable pieces and place them on the dessert plate for reveling guests with your fantastic selections. Truffle chocolate cakes are highly delicious confections but you can add to their beauty and taste with the perfect serving techniques.
So, just give it a go and see your audience drool!